Saturday, October 31, 2009

PUBES why do they...?

grow quicker than every other bodily hair
actually, they don't. they grow at the same rate as your beard, head, and pit hair.
This must mean you shave yours!how else would you know?
wow man guess your unlucky unless its just a girlie thing but my head hair tash included (JOKE!) grows way faster!
i think it's natures contraceptive. if you shave more it make you all red and spotty, that makes people think you've got a std.
Blood -supply to the area encourages it? But then there's plenty of blood near the scalp....and legs. Er, dunno. Didn't even know they did.
try dreadlocks
cause.. they don't. what's the problem with just trimming the hedges?
I heard it was to protect your genitals from bacteria and anything else from getting into or around it. you know as like a natural barrier
they grow at the same rate, all the hair on your body grows at the same rate, but the more you cut it, the thicker it will grow, so it may seem like it's growing faster. thats why some people get monthly haircuts for thicker hair, it's also why guys usually have thicker hair then girls.
hair its there to protect the skin surface and keep it warm. all hair grows at a similar rate, some areas die off at the ends quicker so its all relative
because you are warmer round your gonads.
pubic hair is there to protect the pubic bone thats why it grows quicker.
I never really noticed. When I shave my pubes it seems to come back the same rate as my head hair

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